Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beneath the shadow

I had this picture in my head today of a giant sphere lit brightly on one side. (In art classes I've drawn many of these.) I imagined myself looking up from the point where the shadow falls, where it all looks terribly dark-- that is, except for the thin line of light along the edge of the darkest part which is a faint reflection of the light.

I see the shadowed part as this world we all are born into. So very dark! But because of that small glimmer, we know what light is. And we know that to cast such a dark shadow we conclude that there must be a great light on the other side which is casting it.

So those of us who know this hold on to that glimmer and hope for the day we will see the light revealed on the other side. But how do we live in the meantime knowing just how dark it is here?

My answer to that, is we ought to position ourselves in such a way that we too reflect that greater Light-- however faintly--while keeping our eyes on that glimmer so as not to let our eyes adjust to the darkness and then no longer long for the Light.

Until next time...

God Bless

Friday, February 5, 2010

The first post on this blog


I'm excited about getting back into blogging. I always have so much going on in my head and I don't always find the time or occasion to share it with people. Like, things God's teaching me, or things I'm learning, or lyrics to new songs I'm writing, or maybe just things I'm wondering about and want to throw out there.

Feel free to leave lengthy or conversational comments. I like it.

Don't hesitate to challenge me and question my thinking. I need it.

For today, I'll leave you with just this one thought, new realization for me.

Probably not for you though.

It should be pretty basic, but it's like a revelation to me.

Just being alive makes me responsible for every choice I make and how I treat every person I come across.

The weight of that knowledge is very heavy. Along with great freedom and potential for good comes great responsibility and potential for destruction.

I pray that I can live well in light of that knowledge and that I do all I can while I can. So that I have not lived in vain.

Well, until next time....

God Bless